<<include "Landscape Force">>
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<div id="titlebox">
<img src="img/TITLE PAGE/TITLE PAGE_parts_02.png" alt="a decorative head in profile" id="title_page_head" />
<div id="title_page_title_1">The</div>
<img src="img/TITLE PAGE_space.png" id="title_page_space" alt="a blank space" />
<div id="title_page_title_2"><span id="yellow">C</span>assandra.</div>
<div id="title_page_subtitle"><span><strong>HELP A YOUNG JANE AUSTEN WRITE ONE OF HER FIRST STORIES...</strong></span></div>
<div id="title_page_button">
<img id="titlegif" src="img/TITLE PAGE/TITLE PAGE_PLAY.gif" />
<strong>[[Play The Game->Main Page]]</strong></div>
<div class="titlemessages">
<div id="landscapemessage">Landscape Mode Recommended!</div>
<div id="hlf"><a href="https://www.heritagefund.org.uk/" target="_blank"><img src="img/hf_white.png" /></a></div>
<div id="jah"><a href="https://www.janeaustens.house/" target="_blank"><img src="img/jah_white.png" /></a></div>
<<include "Set Story Variables">>
<<include "Landscape Force">>
<<include "Scripts">>
<div id="prologue">
<div id="prologueimg">
<img src="img/PROLOGUE/Prologue_win_compressed.gif" alt="a rain-soaked window, with the rain still pouring outside." />
<div class="pro_skip"><<linkreplace "Skip Prologue?">>Skip Prologue?
<<addclass "#prologue" "fade">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<include "ScrollToTop">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass "#prologue" "disappear">>
<<append ".titlepage">><<include "Story Title">><</append>>
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<<timed 3.5s>><<addclass ".pro_skip" "activate">><</timed>>
<div id="dateline">
<<timed 1s>>
<span>APRIL, 1789</span>
<<timed 3s>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 6s>>
<div class="convo">
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry"><strong><div id="ugh">Ugh.</div></strong></div></div>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 2s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ Whatever's the matter?">>Whatever's the matter?
<<append ".convo">><<include "Ugh Response">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<div class="storyfold">
<div class="chapterstyle titlepage" id="0" style="z-index:13;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chapterone" id="1" style="z-index:12;">
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<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chapterthree" id="3" style="z-index:10;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chapterfour" id="4" style="z-index:9;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chapterfive" id="5" style="z-index:8;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chaptersix" id="6" style="z-index:7;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chapterseven" id="7" style="z-index:6;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chaptereight" id="8" style="z-index:5;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chapternine" id="9" style="z-index:4;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chapterten" id="10" style="z-index:3;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chaptereleven" id="11" style="z-index:2;opacity:0;">
<div class="chapterstyle foldedup chaptertwelve" id="12" style="z-index:1;opacity:0;">
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">><<include "Landscape Force">>
$('body').css("background-image", "url('img/TITLE PAGE/TITLE PAGE_blank_02.jpg')");
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<div id="endpagecontainer" class="fs_out">
<div id="finalstory">
<div id="fs_title">
The <span class="familycomment">$cassadjective</span> <span class="familycomment">Cassandra</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="title1">Very funny. C.</div>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="title2"> Are you sure about this (Mother)</div>
<div id="fs_subtitle">A NOVEL IN TWELVE CHAPTERS</div>
<div id="fs_subsubtitle">Dedicated by permission to Miss Austen.</div>
<div id="fs_dedication">
<span id="madam">MADAM</span>
<span id="ded">You are a Phoenix. Your taste is refined, your Sentiments are noble, & your Virtues innumerable. Your Person is lovely, your Figure, elegant, & your Form, magestic. Your Manners are polished, your Conversation is rational & your <span class="familycomment">appearance singular</span>. If, therefore, the following Tale will afford one moment's amusement to you, every wish will be gratified of</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="ded1">I know what you are doing Jane. C.</div>
<span id="ded_end">
<p>Your most obedient</p>
<p>humble servant</p><br />
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE FIRST</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_1_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 2d</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_2_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 3d</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_3_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 4th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_4_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 5th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_5_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 6th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_6_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 7th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_7_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 8th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_8_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 9th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_9_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 10th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_10_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 11th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_11_final>></div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 12th</div>
<div id="fs_para"><<include $chap_12_final>></div>
<div id="fs_finis">FINIS</div>
<hr />
<hr />
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<div id="storytosave">
Dedicated by permission to Miss Austen.
You are a Phoenix. Your taste is refined, your Sentiments are noble, & your Virtues innumerable. Your Person is lovely, your Figure, elegant, & your Form, magestic. Your Manners are polished, your Conversation is rational & your appearance singular. If, therefore, the following Tale will afford one moment's amusement to you, every wish will be gratified of
Your most obedient
humble servant
<<include $chap_1_final>>
<<include $chap_2_final>>
<<include $chap_3_final>>
<<include $chap_4_final>>
<<include $chap_5_final>>
<<include $chap_6_final>>
<<include $chap_7_final>>
<<include $chap_8_final>>
<<include $chap_9_final>>
<<include $chap_10_final>>
<<include $chap_11_final>>
<<include $chap_12_final>>
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<div class="storytitle">The <<textbox "$cassadjective" "???" autofocus>> <span>Cassandra.</span></div>
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<<set $cassadjective to "Brave">>
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<div class="chap1_first">ASSANDRA WAS<span id="chap1_ellipsis">...</span></div>
<img class="chap1_notes_1" src="img/CH01/CH01_BG_parts_02.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap1_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_18 who.png" alt="who?" />
<div class="chooseoption chap1_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "A HATMAKER'S DAUGHTER?">>
<<append ".chapterone">><div class="chap1_result">
...the Daughter & the only Daughter of a celebrated Millener in Bond Street. Her father was of noble Birth, being the near relation of the Dutchess of ---'s Butler.
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<div class="chooseoption1 chap1_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "A RICH HEIRESS?">>
<<append ".chapterone">>
<div class="chap1_result">
…the only Child (excepting her three sisters) of the Duke of ---, living in middling Grandeur in her father’s Mansion nearest St. James Park.
<<timed 1s>>
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<div class="chooseoption1 chap1_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "A PENNILESS ORPHAN?">>
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<div class="chap1_result">
… a forgettable & Basic orphan, employed as a Maid by Mrs. --- of Fleet Street. Given the cost of Renting Rooms, Cassandra still lived with her Mother near Whitechapel.
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<<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 1">>
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was lovely & amiable, &<span id="chap1_ellipsis">...</span>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $storyadjectivelower & insufferable, &<span id="chap1_ellipsis">...</span>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 3">>
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $storyadjectivelower & haggard, &<span id="chap1_ellipsis">...</span>
<img class="chap2_notes_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_04 what next.png" alt="what's next?" />
<img class="chap2_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_02 time for.png" alt="time for an adventure" />
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<<linkreplace "SHE FOUND A FORTUNE!">>
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<<linkreplace "SHE FELL IN LOVE!">>
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<<include "3_1">>
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<<include "3_3">>
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<<include "4_1">>
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<<include "4_2">>
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<<include "4_3">>
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<<addclass ".chap5_choice_3" "activate">>
<img class="chap5_opener_bck1" src="img/CH05/CH5 BG_parts_01.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap5_opener_bck" src="img/CH05/CH5 BG_parts_02.png" alt="" />
<div class="chap_5_opener">
SHE next ascended a Hackney Coach & ordered it…
<img class="chap_5_notes_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_09 where.png" alt="where?" />
<div class="chooseoption1 chap5_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "TO FOLLOW HER DREAMS!">>
<<append ".chapterfive">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 105120>>
<div class="chap5_result">
… to the Royal Opera in Covent Garden. Twelve years in Training passed, & her opening Night was a great success, despite her Drunkenness. The morning after, she ordered the Coachman to turn round & drive her back again.
<<set $chap_5_final to "Chapter 5 Opera">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap5_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f5" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_opener_bck" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<div class="chooseoption1 chap5_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "TO WAR!">>
<<append ".chapterfive">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 35040>>
<div class="chap5_result">
… to the home of Miss ---, her sworn foe, that she might finally declare War. The reason for the conflict for Minor, but it lasted several years, with many Wounded on both sides. Declaring victory, Cassandra ordered the Coachman to turn round & drive her back again.
<<set $chap_5_final to "Chapter 5 War">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap5_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f5" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_opener_bck" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<div class="chooseoption1 chap5_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "TO HAMPSTEAD!">>
<<append ".chapterfive">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<div class="chap5_result">
… to Hampstead, where she was no sooner arrived than she ordered the Coachman to turn round & drive her back again.
<img class="chap_5_undr_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double single.png" alt="underline" />
<img class="chap_5_circle_3" src="img/ELEMENTS/Circle 05.png" alt="circle" />
<<set $chap_5_final to "Chapter 5 Hampstead">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_5_undr_1" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap_5_circle_3" "activate">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap5_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f5" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_opener_bck" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap5_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<div class="finished" id="f5">
<<link "Next?">>
<<removeclass "#6" "foldedup">>
<<addclass "#6" "foldeddown">>
<<removeclass "#f5" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f5" "deactivate">>
<<append ".chaptersix">><<include "Chapter 6">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_6_first_line" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap_6_pink" "activate">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap_6_second_line" "activate">>
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap_6_notes_1" "activate">>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap_6_notes_2" "activate">>
<<timed 5s>>
<<addclass ".chap_6_options_1" "activate">>
<<timed 5.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap_6_options_2" "activate">>
<div class="chap_6_first_line">BEING returned</div>
<div class="chap_6_second_line"><span>to the same spot of the same Street she had set out from, the Coachman demanded his Pay...</span></div>
<img src="img/CH06/CH6 BG_parts_01.png" class="chap_6_pink" />
<img src="img/crisis2.png" class="chap_6_notes_1" alt="Time for another crisis" />
<img src="img/CH06/CH6 BG_jane_01B.png" class="chap_6_notes_2" alt="What happens next?" />
<div class="chap_6_options_1">
<div class="justclickoption" id="jc1">
<<link "Fight A Duel?">>
<<set $chapter6choice to "A">>
<<addclass "#jc1" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc2" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc3" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc4" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc5" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc6" "clicked">>
<<addclass "#f6" "activate">>
<div class="justclickoption" id="jc2">
<<link "Recieve An Inheritance?">>
<<set $chapter6choice to "B">>
<<addclass "#jc2" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc1" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc3" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc4" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc5" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc6" "clicked">>
<<addclass "#f6" "activate">>
<div class="justclickoption" id="jc3">
<<link "Run Away?">>
<<set $chapter6choice to "C">>
<<addclass "#jc3" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc2" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc1" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc4" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc5" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc6" "clicked">>
<<addclass "#f6" "activate">>
<div class="chap_6_options_2">
<div class="justclickoption" id="jc4">
<<link "A Lightning Bolt?">>
<<set $chapter6choice to "Da">>
<<addclass "#jc4" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc2" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc3" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc1" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc5" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc6" "clicked">>
<<addclass "#f6" "activate">>
<div class="justclickoption" id="jc5">
<<link "A Handsome Stranger?">>
<<set $chapter6choice to "Db">>
<<addclass "#jc5" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc2" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc3" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc1" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc4" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc6" "clicked">>
<<addclass "#f6" "activate">>
<div class="justclickoption" id="jc6">
<<link "A Swarm Of Hornets?">>
<<set $chapter6choice to "Dc">>
<<addclass "#jc6" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc2" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc3" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc1" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc5" "clicked">>
<<removeclass "#jc4" "clicked">>
<<addclass "#f6" "activate">>
<img class="chap_7c_no_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double single.png" alt="crossed through" />
<img class="chap_7c_no_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double single.png" alt="crossed through" />
<img class="chap_7c_no_3" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double single.png" alt="crossed through" />
<div class="finished" id="f6">
<<link "Next?">>
<<removeclass "#f6" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f6" "deactivate">>
<<removeclass "#7" "foldedup">>
<<addclass "#7" "foldeddown">>
<<addclass "#jc1" "disable">>
<<addclass "#jc2" "disable">>
<<addclass "#jc3" "disable">>
<<addclass "#jc4" "disable">>
<<addclass "#jc5" "disable">>
<<addclass "#jc6" "disable">>
<<if $chapter6choice is "Da">>
<<addclass ".chap_7c_no_1" "activate">>
<<if $chapter6choice is "Db">>
<<addclass ".chap_7c_no_2" "activate">>
<<if $chapter6choice is "Dc">>
<<addclass ".chap_7c_no_3" "activate">>
<<set $chap_6_final to "Chapter 6 End">>
<<append ".chapterseven">><<include "Chapter 7">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">>
<<if $chapter6choice is "A">>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2.5s>><<addclass ".peremptory" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line3" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6s>>
<<addclass "#f7" "activate">>
<img id="chap_7a_background" src="img/CH07 A/CH7 A BG_full_02.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="chap_7a_line1">SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find.</div>
<div class="chap_7a_line2">The man grew peremptory.</div>
<img src="img/CH07 B/CH7 B BG_parts_01.png" class="peremptory" alt=""/>
<div class="chap_7a_line3">She met him at dawn in Hyde Park, & though sustaining a glancing Wound to her left Shoulder, did satisfy her Honour.</div>
<<set $chap_7_final to "Chapter 7 A">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 16>>
<<timed 5s>>
<<addclass ".chap7_honour" "activate">>
<img class="chap7_honour" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_24 brilliant.png" alt="brilliant" />
<<elseif $chapter6choice is "B">>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2.5s>><<addclass ".peremptory" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap_7b_line3" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6s>>
<<addclass "#f7" "activate">>
<img id="chap_7b_background" src="img/CH07 B/CH7 B BG_full_03.jpg" alt="" />
<div class="chap_7a_line1">SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find.</div>
<div class="chap_7a_line2">The man grew peremptory.</div>
<img src="img/CH07 B/CH7 B BG_parts_01.png" class="peremptory" alt="" />
<div class="chap_7b_line3">In that moment an errand boy Appeared, with the news that Cassandra had received a Tidy Sum from a forgettable Aunt. The Coachman was thus paid handsomely.</div>
<<set $chap_7_final to "Chapter 7 B">>
<<elseif $chapter6choice is "C">>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_7c_notes_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><<addclass ".peremptory" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6s>><<addclass ".chap_7c_notes_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6.5s>><<addclass ".chap_7c_line3" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>>
<<addclass "#f7" "activate">>
<img id="chap_7c_background" src="img/CH07 C/CH7 C BG_Full_01.jpg" alt="" />
<img class="chap_7c_notes_1" src="img/CH07 C/CH7 C BG_parts_01.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap_7c_notes_2" src="img/CH07 C/CH7 C BG_parts_02.png" alt="" />
<div class="chap_7a_line1">SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find.</div>
<div class="chap_7a_line2">The man grew peremptory.</div>
<img src="img/CH07 B/CH7 B BG_parts_01.png" class="peremptory" alt="" />
<div class="chap_7c_line3">
<<if $chosenobject is "walnut">>
She flicked the walnut into the Coachman’s favourite Eye & ran away.
<<elseif $chosenobject is "bonnet">>
She placed her bonnet on his head & ran away.
<<elseif $chosenobject is "paperweight">>
She caused him some Discomfort with her father’s Paperweight & ran away.
She applied her Shoe most Persuasively to his left Shin & ran Away.
<<timed 7s>>
<<addclass ".chap7_charm" "activate">>
<img class="chap7_charm" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_25 works a charm.png" alt="Works a charm!" />
<<set $chap_7_final to "Chapter 7 C">>
<<elseif $chapter6choice is "Da" or $chapter6choice is "Db" or $chapter6choice is "Dc">>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_7d_notes_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><<addclass ".chap_7a_line2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3.5s>><<addclass ".peremptory" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap_7c_line3" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>>
<<addclass "#f7" "activate">>
<img id="chap_7d_background" src="img/CH07 D/CH7 D BG_Blank_01.jpg" alt="" />
<img class="chap_7d_notes_1" src="img/CH07 D/CH7 D BG_parts_02.png" alt="" />
<div class="chap_7a_line1">SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find.</div>
<div class="chap_7a_line2">The man grew peremptory.</div>
<img src="img/CH07 B/CH7 B BG_parts_01.png" class="peremptory" alt="" />
<div class="chap_7c_line3">
<<if $chosenobject is "walnut">>
She flicked the walnut into the Coachman’s favourite Eye & ran away.
<<elseif $chosenobject is "bonnet">>
She placed her bonnet on his head & ran away.
<<elseif $chosenobject is "paperweight">>
She caused him some Discomfort with her father’s Paperweight & ran away.
She applied her Shoe most Persuasively to his left Shin & ran Away.
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap7_nonono" "activate">>
<img class="chap7_nonono" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_26 no too much.png" alt="No, too much" />
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap7_try" "activate">>
<img class="chap7_try" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_27 try this instead.png" alt="Try this instead!" />
<<timed 6s>>
<<addclass ".chap7_charm" "activate">>
<img class="chap7_charm" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_25 works a charm.png" alt="Works a charm!" />
<<set $chap_7_final to "Chapter 7 C">>
<div class="finished" id="f7">
<<link "Next?">>
<<removeclass "#8" "foldedup">>
<<addclass "#8" "foldeddown">>
<<append ".chaptereight">><<include "Chapter 8">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<removeclass "#f7" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f7" "deactivate">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_8_line_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2.5s>><<addclass ".chap_8_notes_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><<addclass ".chap_8_notes_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3.5s>><<addclass ".chap_8_notes_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap8_choice_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4.5s>><<addclass ".chap8_choice_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><<addclass ".chap8_choice_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<div class="chap_8_line_1">THRO’ many a street she then proceeded & met in none the least Adventure, till...</div>
<img class="chap_8_notes_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/question marks.png" alt="question marks" />
<img class="chap_8_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/question marks.png" alt="question marks" />
<img class="chap_8_notes_3" src="img/ELEMENTS/question marks.png" alt="question marks" />
<img class="chap_8_notes_5" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double single.png" alt="underlining" />
<img class="chap8_perfect" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_15 perfect.png" alt="Perfect" />
<img class="chap_8_notes_4" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double single.png" alt="underlining" />
<div class="chooseoption1 chap8_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "...turning a Corner of Bloomsbury Square...">>
<<append ".chaptereight">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<div class="chap8final">...turning a Corner of Bloomsbury Square...</div>
<div class="chap8_result">
...she met Maria.
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap_8_notes_4" "activate">>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap8_perfect" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f8" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_1" "disable">>
<<set $chap8_event to "turning a Corner of Bloomsbury Square">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap8_result" "activate">>
<div class="chooseoption1 chap8_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "...Husband-hunting, with dogs & rifles, in Russell Square Park...">>
<<append ".chaptereight">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<div class="chap8final">...Husband-hunting, with dogs & rifles, in Russell Square Park...</div>
<div class="chap8_result">
...she met Maria.
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap_8_notes_4" "activate">>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap8_perfect" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f8" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_2" "disable">>
<<set $chap8_event to "Husband-hunting, with dogs & rifles, in Russell Square Park">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap8_result" "activate">>
<div class="chooseoption1 chap8_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "...searching for a new brooch in the Egyptian Wing of the British Museum...">>
<<append ".chaptereight">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<div class="chap8final">...searching for a new brooch in the Egyptian Wing of the British Museum...</div>
<div class="chap8_result">
...she met Maria.
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap_8_notes_4" "activate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap8_perfect" "activate">>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<addclass "#f8" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap8_choice_3" "disable">>
<<set $chap8_event to "searching for a new brooch in the Egyptian Wing of the British Museum">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap8_result" "activate">>
<div class="finished" id="f8">
<<link "Next?">>
<<removeclass "#9" "foldedup">>
<<addclass "#9" "foldeddown">>
<<removeclass "#f8" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f8" "deactivate">>
<<set $girlname to "Maria">>
<<append ".chapternine">><<include "Chapter 9">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<set $chap_8_final to "Chapter 8 End">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">>
<<timed 3s>><<addclass ".chap_9_notes_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap_9_notes_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6s>><<addclass ".chap9_choice_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6.5s>><<addclass ".chap9_choice_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 7s>><<addclass ".chap9_choice_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<img class="chap_9_notes_1" src="img/CH09 A/CH09 A BG_parts_02.png" alt="scribbles" />
<img class="chap_9_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_28 any ideas.png" alt="Any ideas?" />
<div class="chooseoption1 chap9_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Absolutely Nothing Happened?">>
<<append ".chapternine">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<<set $mariafate to "nothing">>
<div class="chap9_result">
CASSANDRA started & $girlname seemed surprised; they trembled, blushed, turned pale & passed each other in mutual silence.
<img class="chap_9a_notes" src="img/CH09 A/CH09 A BG_parts_01.png" alt="What a pair!" />
<<set $chap_9_final to "Chapter 9 Nothing">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap9_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_9a_notes" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f9" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap9_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap9_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<div class="chooseoption1 chap9_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "They Went For A Swim?">>
<<append ".chapternine">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 2>>
<<set $mariafate to "drown">>
<div class="chap9_result">
CASSANDRA invited $girlname to swim in the fountain at Broad Street; though being feeble-armed, the girl sadly Drowned. Despite the best Efforts of passersby her Remains were never recovered.
<img class="chap_9b_notes" src="img/Jane Comment_23 now we are getting.png" alt="Now we're getting somewhere!" />
<<set $chap_9_final to "Chapter 9 Swim">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap9_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_9b_notes" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f9" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap9_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap9_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<div class="chooseoption1 chap9_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "They Went Looking For Some Fun?">>
<<append ".chapternine">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 2>>
<<set $mariafate to "ball">>
<div class="chap9_result">
$girlname was at that moment going to a Function at the apartments of the Baronet --- in Mayfair, & invited Cassandra as her companion.
<img class="chap_9c_notes" src="img/Jane Comment_30 party.png" alt="Party!" />
<<set $chap_9_final to "Chapter 9 Ball">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap9_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_9c_notes" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f9" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap9_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap9_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<div class="finished" id="f9">
<<link "Next?">>
<<removeclass "#10" "foldedup">>
<<addclass "#10" "foldeddown">>
<<append ".chapterten">><<include "Chapter 10">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<removeclass "#f9" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f9" "deactivate">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">>
<<if $mariafate is "nothing">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_10a_background" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_10_opener" "activate">><</timed>>
<img class="chap_10a_background" src="img/CH10 A/CH10 A BG parts 01.png" alt="" />
<div class="chap_10_opener">
CASSANDRA was next accosted by her friend the Widow, who squeezing out her little Head thro’ her less window, asked her how she did?
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap10a_what" "activate">>
<img class="chap10a_what" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_31 well what now.png" alt="well what now" />
<<include "10_1">>
<<elseif $mariafate is "drown">>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_10b_background_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_10_opener" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><<addclass ".chap_10b_background_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap10b_cass" "activate">>
<img class="chap10b_cass" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_35 what will C do now.png" alt="what will cassandra do now?"/>
<img class="chap_10b_background_1" src="img/CH10 B/CH10 B BG parts 01.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap_10b_background_2" src="img/CH10 B/CH10 B BG parts 02.png" alt="help!" />
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 730>>
<div class="chap_10_opener">
CASSANDRA was taken by soldiers to the gaol at Newgate, accused of $girlname’s death by negligence. The judge saw fit to sentence an execution...
<<include "10_2">>
<<elseif $mariafate is "ball">>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_10c_background" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_10_opener" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap10c_theydo" "activate">>
<img class="chap10c_theydo" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_37 what will they do.png" alt="What will they do?" />
<img class="chap_10c_background" src="img/CH10 C/CH10 C BG parts 01.png" alt="" />
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 10>>
<div class="chap_10_opener">
CASSANDRA & $girlname, in surveying the suitors at the Baronet’s party, found themselves intrigued by the same Gentle-man, a Squire ---. To settle the matter…
<<include "10_3">>
<div class="finished" id="f10">
<<link "Next?">>
<<removeclass "#11" "foldedup">>
<<addclass "#11" "foldeddown">>
<<removeclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f10" "deactivate">>
<<append ".chaptereleven">><<include "Chapter 11">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">>
<<if $hoursaway > 8700>>
<<set $hoursfinal = Math.round($hoursaway / 8700)>>
<<if $hoursfinal < 2>>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to "a year">>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to $hoursfinal + " years">>
<<elseif $hoursaway <= 8700 and $hoursaway > 730>>
<<set $hoursfinal = Math.round($hoursaway / 730)>>
<<if $hoursfinal < 2>>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to "a month">>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to $hoursfinal + " months">>
<<elseif $hoursaway <= 730 and $hoursaway > 24>>
<<set $hoursfinal = Math.round($hoursaway / 24)>>
<<if $hoursfinal < 2>>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to "a day">>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to $hoursfinal + " days">>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to $hoursaway + " hours">>
<div class="chap_11_opener">
<span>A QUARTER of a mile brought
<<if $mariafate is "ball">>them<<else>>her<</if>>
to her
<<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>paternal<<else>>maternal<</if>> roof
in <<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 1">>Bond Street<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>St. James Park<<else>>Whitechapel<</if>>, from which she had now been absent nearly $hoursfinalfinal.</span>
<img class="chap_11_notes_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation - black.png" alt="exclamation marks" />
<img class="chap_11_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02 - black.png" alt="exclamation marks" />
<img class="chap_11_notes_3" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double - black.png" alt="underlining" />
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_11_opener" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_11_notes_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap_11_notes_2" "activate">>
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap_11_notes_3" "activate">>
<<timed 3.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap11_nearly" "activate">>
<img class="chap11_nearly" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_45 nearly there.png" alt="nearly there!" />
<<timed 4.5s>>
<<addclass "#f11" "activate">>
<div class="finished" id="f11">
<<link "Next?">>
<<removeclass "#12" "foldedup">>
<<addclass "#12" "foldeddown">>
<<removeclass "#f11" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f11" "deactivate">>
<<set $chap_11_final to "Chapter 11 End">>
<<append ".chaptertwelve">><<include "Chapter 12">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Scripts">>
<<timed 1s>><<addclass ".chap_12_opener" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".chap_12_opener_alt_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>><<addclass ".chap_12_opener_alt_1" "deactivate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3.5s>><<addclass ".chap_12_opener_alt_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4.5s>><<addclass ".chap_12_opener_alt_2" "deactivate">><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><<addclass ".chap_12_opener_alt_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6s>><<addclass ".chap_12_opener_alt_3" "deactivate">><</timed>>
<<timed 9s>><<addclass ".chap12_choice_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 9.5s>><<addclass ".chap12_choice_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<div class="chap_12_opener">
SHE entered it &...
<div class="chap_12_opener_alt_1">
she said...
<div class="chap_12_opener_alt_2">
they lived happily...
<div class="chap_12_opener_alt_3">
an enormous seagull...
<<timed 7s>>
<<addclass ".chap12_stuck" "activate">>
<img class="chap12_stuck" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_41 i am stuck.png" alt="I am stuck!" />
<<timed 7.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap12_close" "activate">>
<img class="chap12_close" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_42 we are so close.png" alt="we are so close!" />
<div class="chooseoption1 chap12_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "WRITE THE ENDING">>
<<append ".chaptertwelve">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap12_thanks" "activate">>
<img class="chap12_thanks" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_43 thanks a lot.png" alt="thanks a lot!" />
<div class="chap12_result">
<<timed 1s>>
$(".chap12_result textarea").attr("maxlength","500");
<<textarea "$storyending" "Write your own ending...">>
<<set $chap_12_final to "Chapter 12 Player Write">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap12_result" "activate">>
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass "#f12" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap12_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<div class="chooseoption1 chap12_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "MAKE JANE DO IT">>
<<timed 9s>>
<<removeclass "#f12" "deactivate">>
<<addclass "#f12" "activate">>
<<append ".chaptertwelve">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap12_thanks" "activate">>
<img class="chap12_thanks" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_43 thanks a lot.png" alt="thanks a lot!" />
<<timed 8s>>
<<addclass ".chap12_willdo" "activate">>
<img class="chap12_willdo" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_44 that will do.png" alt="that will do!" />
<div class="chap12_result">
<<timed 2s>><<addclass ".result_attempt_1" "activate">><</timed>><<timed 3s>><<addclass ".result_attempt_1" "deactivate">><</timed>><<timed 3.5s>><<addclass ".result_attempt_2" "activate">><</timed>><<timed 4.5s>><<addclass ".result_attempt_2" "deactivate">><</timed>><<timed 5s>><<addclass ".result_attempt_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6s>><<addclass ".result_attempt_3" "deactivate">><</timed>><<timed 7s>><<addclass ".result_attempt_4" "activate">><</timed>>
<span class="result_attempt_1">a letter had arrived...</span>
<span class="result_attempt_2">the enormous seagull...</span>
<span class="result_attempt_3">God descended from Heaven...</span>
<span class="result_attempt_4">…was pressed to her Mother’s bosom by that worthy Woman. Cassandra smiled & whispered to herself “This is a day well spent.”</span>
<<set $chap_12_final to "Chapter 12 Jane Write">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap12_result" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap12_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<repeat 0.2s>>
<<if $chap_12_final is "Chapter 12 Player Write" and $storyending != "">>
<<removeclass "#f12" "deactivate">>
<<addclass "#f12" "activate">>
<<elseif $chap_12_final is "Chapter 12 Player Write" and $storyending is "">>
<<removeclass "#f12" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f12" "deactivate">>
<div class="finishedfinal" id="f12">
<<link "Finished?">>
<<removeclass "#f12" "activate">>
<<addclass "#f12" "deactivate">>
<<timed 12s>>
<<addclass ".in" "out">>
<<removeclass ".out" "in">>
<<timed 14s>>
<<include "SetStoryEndHeight">>
<<timed 14.5s>>
<<append "#passage-main-page">>
<<include "Epilogue">>
<<removeclass ".epilogueclass" "disable">>
<<timed 15s>>
<<removeclass ".epilogueclass" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".epilogueclass" "activate">>
<<include "SetStoryEndHeight">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><<include "Landscape Force">>
<<set $visitedjanepage to true>>
$('body').css("background-image", "url('img/TITLE PAGE/TITLE PAGE_blank_02.jpg')");
<div id="endbuttonrange">
<div class="butt">
[[Go Back->End Page]]
<div id="finalstory">
<div id="fs_title">The Beautifull Cassandra</div>
<div id="fs_subtitle">A NOVEL IN TWELVE CHAPTERS</div>
<div id="fs_subsubtitle">Dedicated by permission to Miss Austen.</div>
<div id="fs_dedication">
<span id="madam">MADAM</span>
<span id="ded">You are a Phoenix. Your taste is refined, your Sentiments are noble, & your Virtues innumerable. Your Person is lovely, your Figure, elegant, & your Form, magestic. Your Manners are polished, your Conversation is rational & your appearance singular. If, therefore, the following Tale will afford one moment's amusement to you, every wish will be gratified of</span>
<span id="ded_end">
<p>Your most obedient</p>
<p>humble servant</p><br />
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE FIRST</div>
<div id="fs_para">CASSANDRA was the Daughter & the only Daughter of a celebrated Millener in Bond Street. Her father was of noble Birth, being the near relation of the Dutchess of ----'s Butler.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 2d</div>
<div id="fs_para">WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was lovely & amiable, & chancing to fall in love with an elegant Bonnet her Mother had just compleated, bespoke by the Countess of ----, she placed it on her gentle Head & walked from her Mother's shop to make her Fortune.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 3d</div>
<div id="fs_para">THE first person she met, was the Viscount of ----, a young Man, no less celebrated for his Accomplishments & Virtues, than for his Elegance & Beauty. She curtseyed & walked on.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 4th</div>
<div id="fs_para">SHE then proceeded to a Pastry-cook's, where she devoured six ices, refused to pay for them, knocked down the Pastry Cook & walked away.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 5th</div>
<div id="fs_para">SHE next ascended a Hackney Coach & ordered it to Hampstead, where she was no sooner arrived than she ordered the Coachman to turn round & drive her back again.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 6th</div>
<div id="fs_para">BEING returned to the same spot of the same Street she had set out from, the Coachman demanded his Pay.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 7th</div>
<div id="fs_para">SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessfull. No money could she find. The man grew peremptory. She placed her bonnet on his head & ran away.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 8th</div>
<div id="fs_para">THRO' many a street she then proceeded & met in none the least Adventure, till on turning a Corner of Bloomsbury Square, she met Maria.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 9th</div>
<div id="fs_para">CASSANDRA started & Maria seemed surprised; they trembled, blushed, turned pale & passed each other in a mutual silence.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 10th</div>
<div id="fs_para">CASSANDRA was next accosted by her freind the Widow, who squeezing out her little Head thro' her less window, asked her how she did? Cassandra curtseyed & went on.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 11th</div>
<div id="fs_para">A QUARTER of a mile brought her to her paternal roof in Bond Street, from which she had now been absent nearly 7 hours.</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_paratitle">CHAPTER THE 12th</div>
<div id="fs_para">SHE entered it & was pressed to her Mother's bosom by that worthy Woman. Cassandra smiled & whispered to herself "This is a day well spent."</div>
<hr />
<div id="fs_finis">FINIS</div>
<hr />
<hr />
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(document).height()}, 'slow');
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 'slow');
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parseInt($("#endpagecontainer").css("height").substring(0,$("#endpagecontainer").css("height").length - 1), 10)
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<<if not $chap4choices>>
<<set $chap4choicesCount to -1>>
<<set $chap4choices to ["... ...", "... in a remarkable incident at the Zoological Gardens ...", "... tripping over a mis-placed lapdog & into a Fireplace ...", "... ..."]>>
<<set $chap4choicesCount to $chap4choicesCount + 1>>
<<if $chap4choicesCount >= $chap4choices.length>>
<<set $chap4choicesCount to 0>>
<<set $chap4cyclingResult to $chap4choices[$chap4choicesCount]>>
<<linkreplace $chap4choices[$chap4choicesCount]>>
<<if $chap4choices.length > 4>>
<<include "Chap 4 Cycling">>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_undr_1" "activate">>
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Cycling">>
<div id="epilogue" class="epilogueclass deactivate disable">
<div id="prologueimg">
<img src="img/Epilogue Window 2.png" alt="the same window as in the prologue: the rain has stopped." />
<div class="pro_skip">[[Skip Epilogue?->End Page]] </div>
<<timed 5s>><<addclass ".pro_skip" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 3s>>
<div class="convoepi">
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">And so ends the adventures of The $cassadjective Cassandra! One of my best yet, I think!</div></div>
<<timed 3s>>
<div class="playerconvo">
<div class="convoentry">
<span id="ec1"><<linkreplace "☛ One of <em>your</em> best?">>One of <em>your</em> best?
<<append ".convoepi">><<include "Best Response">><</append>>
<<addclass "#ec2" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<span id="ec2"><<linkreplace "☛ Yes, well done Jane!">>Yes, well done, Jane!
<<append ".convoepi">><<include "Well Done Response">><</append>>
<<addclass "#ec1" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<set $cassadjective to "">>
<<set $visitedjanepage to false>>
<<set $hoursaway to 0>>
<<set $chosenobject to "">>
<<set $girlname to "">>
<<set $chap8Clicked to false>>
<<set $adventure to "">>
<<set $storyending to "">>
<<set $clicked0 to false>>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo">
<div class="convoentry">
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 2s>>
<div class="playerconvo">
<div class="convoentry">
<span id="mc1"><<linkreplace "☛ I'm bored too, you know.">>I'm bored too, you know.
<<append ".convo">><<include "Bored Response">><</append>>
<<addclass "#mc2" "disappear">>
<<addclass "#mc3" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<span id="mc2"><<linkreplace "☛ Do stop it, Jane.">>Do stop it, Jane.
<<append ".convo">><<include "Stop Response">><</append>>
<<addclass "#mc1" "disappear">>
<<addclass "#mc3" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<span id="mc3"><<linkreplace "☛ Are you about to expire?">>Are you about to expire?
<<append ".convo">><<include "Expire Response">><</append>>
<<addclass "#mc1" "disappear">>
<<addclass "#mc2" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry"> But I’m cleverer than you! That makes me much <em>more</em> bored.</div></div>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo">
<div class="convoentry">It’s just not fair. Father takes Henry & James on an adventure, & we’re stuck here like washing hung out to dry...</div></div>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 5s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ ...we could do some drawing with Cassandra?">>We could do some drawing with Cassandra?
<<append ".convo">><<include "Cassandra Response">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Aren’t you so bored you could scream?
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo">
<div class="convoentry">It’s just not fair. Father takes Henry & James on an adventure, & we’re stuck here like washing hung out to dry...</div></div>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 5s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ ...we could do some drawing with Cassandra?">>We could do some drawing with Cassandra?
<<append ".convo">><<include "Cassandra Response">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 1s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">You know <em>perfectly</em> well what’s wrong. I’m so bored I could gnaw off my own arm.
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo">
<div class="convoentry">It’s just not fair. Father takes Henry & James on an adventure, & we’re stuck here like washing hung out to dry...</div></div>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 5s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ ...we could do some drawing with Cassandra?">>We could do some drawing with Cassandra?
<<append ".convo">><<include "Cassandra Response">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">My darling sister is away until supper-time. Anyway, she drew a picture of me last week that should be made illegal. I wish her nothing but unhappiness.
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 4s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">I know! Let's write a story together! An adventure of our own! And I know just the subject...
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 6s>>
<div class="playerconvo">
<div class="convoentry">
<span id="mcb1"><<linkreplace "☛ Sounds good to me!">>Sounds good to me!
<<append ".convo">><<include "Adventure Response 1">><</append>>
<<addclass "#mcb2" "disappear">>
<<addclass "#mcb3" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<span id="mcb2"><<linkreplace "☛ I meant a <em>real</em> adventure!">>I meant a <em>real</em> adventure!
<<append ".convo">><<include "Adventure Response 2">><</append>>
<<addclass "#mcb1" "disappear">>
<<addclass "#mcb3" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<span id="mcb3"><<linkreplace "☛ Sounds as dull as ditchwater.">>Sounds as dull as ditchwater.
<<append ".convo">><<include "Adventure Response 3">><</append>>
<<addclass "#mcb1" "disappear">>
<<addclass "#mcb2" "disappear">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</linkreplace>><br /></span>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">What a treat it will be for you, to watch Genius at work! Maybe you can help… here, hold my inkwell.
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 3s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">And pass me that pen and paper, would you?
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 4s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ Oh, alright...">>Oh, alright...
<<addclass "#prologue" "fade">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<include "ScrollToTop">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass "#prologue" "disappear">>
<<append ".titlepage">><<include "Story Title">><</append>>
<<include "setStoryInitialHeight">>
<<timed 0.1s>>
<<addclass ".storyfold" "in">>
<<removeclass ".in" "storyfold">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Excuse me, my dear Freind! When Jane Austen is the author, there’s nothing more real!
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 3s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Now, pass me that pen and paper, would you?
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 4s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ Oh, alright...">>Oh, alright...
<<addclass "#prologue" "fade">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<include "ScrollToTop">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass "#prologue" "disappear">>
<<append ".titlepage">><<include "Story Title">><</append>>
<<include "setStoryInitialHeight">>
<<timed 0.1s>>
<<addclass ".storyfold" "in">>
<<removeclass ".in" "storyfold">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 1s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Be quiet, before I get <em>really</em> cross.
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Now, pass me that pen and paper, would you?
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 6s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ Oh, alright...">>Oh, alright...
<<addclass "#prologue" "fade">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<include "ScrollToTop">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass "#prologue" "disappear">>
<<append ".titlepage">><<include "Story Title">><</append>>
<<include "setStoryInitialHeight">>
<<timed 0.1s>>
<<addclass ".storyfold" "in">>
<<removeclass ".in" "storyfold">>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Well, I suppose even Geniuses need a little help every now & then… & you did hold that inkwell very still...
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 3s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Ah, look! The rain’s stopped! How long have we been at it? And Father & the boys are back!
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 7s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Cassandra must be home as well… I want her to hear this!
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 10s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ Why don’t we show it to the whole family?
">>Why don’t we show it to the whole family?
<<append ".convoepi">><<include "Family Response">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Yes… I’m rather fantastic, aren’t I?
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 3s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Ah, look! The rain’s stopped! How long have we been at it? And Father & the boys are back!
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 7s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Cassandra must be home as well… I want her to hear this!
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 10s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ Why don’t we show it to the whole family?
">>Why don’t we show it to the whole family?
<<append ".convoepi">><<include "Family Response">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Erm…
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">What?
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">I’m, erm… I’m not so sure…
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 4s>>
<div class="playerconvo"><div class="convoentry">
<<linkreplace "☛ But I thought it was one of your best yet?
">>But I thought it was one of your best yet?
<<append ".convoepi">><<include "Final Epi Response">><</append>>
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 1s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">You think you're so clever, don't you?
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 2s>>
<div class="janeconvo"><div class="convoentry">Alright then! Let them do their worst!
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<<timed 4s>>
<div class="endbuttoncontainer">
<div class="endbutton">
[[See What The Family Think->End Page]]
<<include "ScrollToBottom">>
<</nobr>>Cassandra was the Daughter & the only Daughter of a celebrated Millener in Bond Street. Her father was of noble Birth, being the near relation of the Dutchess of ----'s Butler.<<nobr>>
Cassandra was the only Child (excepting her three sisters) of the Duke of ---, living in <span class="familycomment">middling Grandeur</span>
in her father’s Mansion nearest St. James Park.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive father_comment" id="chap1_1"> Fantastic! (Father)
Cassandra was a forgettable & Basic orphan, employed as a Maid by Mrs. --- of Fleet Street. Given the cost of Renting Rooms, Cassandra still <span class="familycomment">lived with her Mother</span> near Whitechapel.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap1_2"> INCONSISTENT (REMOVE). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
<div class="chap2_result">
<<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 1">>
… chancing to find an entire Fortune hidden within a Cloth Cap sent for repair, Cassandra decided to Travell to the New World. Unfortunately her ship sank, & she was marooned upon a deserted Isle.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining" />
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2a_hat">>
<<set $adventure to "marooned">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>
… recieving a Donation of five thousand pounds from a Local Charity, who had decided her quite Deserving, she chose to Travell to the New World. Unfortunately her ship sank, & she was marooned upon a deserted Isle.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark"/>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining" />
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2a_rich">>
<<set $adventure to "marooned">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 3">>
… when her Mother found a sizeable Fortune fallen between the slats of their Bed, Cassandra decided to Travell to the New World. Unfortunately her ship sank, & she was marooned upon a deserted Isle.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining"/>
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2a_orphan">>
<<set $adventure to "marooned">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_result" "activate">>
<div class="chap2_result">
<<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 1">>
… after selling a particularly unnerving hat to a mysterious Squire, & offering to carry it to his Coach, she was Thrown inside & taken to a Castle somewhere deep in the forests of Ambrosania.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining" />
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2b_hat">>
<<set $adventure to "kidnapped">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 168>>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>
… while taking the nightly Vaypours on the balcony of Earl ---’s apartment, she was drawn skyward by a hooked Pole, & taken to a Castle somewhere deep in the forests of Ambrosania.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining" />
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2b_rich">>
<<set $adventure to "kidnapped">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 168>>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 3">>
… while halfway up Mrs -----’s chimney, arguing with the Sweep, she was drawn skyward by a hooked Pole, & taken by Forces Unknown to a Castle somewhere deep in the forests of Ambrosania.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining" />
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2b_orphan">>
<<set $adventure to "kidnapped">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 168>>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_result" "activate">>
<<set $adventure to "love">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<div class="chap2_result">
<<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 1">>
… chancing to fall in love with an elegant Bonnet her Mother had just compleated, bespoke by the Countess of ----, she placed it on her gentle Head & walked from her Mother’s shop to make her Fortune.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining" />
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2c_hat">>
<<set $adventure to "love">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 168>>
<<set $chosenobject to "bonnet">>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>
… chancing to fall in love with a paperweight from her Father’s office, fashioned into the shape of a Tortoyse, she took it in her Hand and walked into St James Park, to make her own Fortune.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining"/>
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2c_rich">>
<<set $chosenobject to "paperweight">>
<<set $adventure to "love">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 168>>
<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 3">>
… chancing to fall in love with a particularly attracktive walnut left uneaten in Mrs. -----’s pantry, she placed it in her apron pocket & walked from the house to make her Fortune.
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_excl_1" "activate" />>
<<addclass ".chap2_undr_1" "activate" />>
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 02.png" class="chap2_excl_1" alt="exclamation mark" />
<img src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" class="chap2_undr_1" alt="underlining" />
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2c_orphan">>
<<set $chosenobject to "walnut">>
<<set $adventure to "love">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 168>>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap2_result" "activate">>
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & amiable, & chancing to <span class="familycomment">find a Fortune
</span> hidden within a Cloth Cap sent for repair, Cassandra decided to <span class="familycomment">Travell to the New World.</span> Unfortunately her ship sank, & she was marooned upon a deserted Isle.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap2_9"> with a chaperone (Mother)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap2_12"> ABSURD (REMOVE). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & insufferable, & recieving a Donation of five thousand pounds from a Local Charity, who had decided her quite Deserving, she chose to <span class="familycomment">Travell to the New World.</span>
Unfortunately her ship sank, & she was marooned upon a deserted Isle.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap2_11"> UNSUITABLE (REMOVE). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & insufferable, & while taking the nightly Vaypours on the balcony of Earl ---’s apartment, she was <span class="familycomment">drawn
</span> skyward by a hooked Pole, & <span class="familycomment">taken to a Castle
</span> somewhere deep in the forests of <span class="familycomment">Ambrosiana</span>.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="chap2_2"> Did you get this from Swift, or did you make it up yourself? (Father)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap2_7">gently Persuaded? (Mother)</div>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap2_14"> Now we're getting somewhere! [H]
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & insufferable, & chancing to fall in love with a paperweight from her Father’s office, fashioned into the shape of a Tortoyse, she took it in her Hand and walked into St James Park, to make her own Fortune.
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & amiable, & after selling a particularly unnerving hat to a mysterious Squire, & offering to carry it to his Coach, she was <span class="familycomment">thrown</span> inside & <span class="familycomment">taken to a Castle</span> somewhere deep in the forests of
<span class="familycomment">Ambrosiana
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="chap2_1"> Did you get this from Swift, or did you make it up yourself? (Father)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap2_6"> gently Persuaded? (Mother)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap2_13"> Now we're getting somewhere! [H]
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & amiable, & chancing to fall in love with an elegant Bonnet her Mother had just compleated, bespoke by the Countess of ----, she placed it on her gentle Head & walked from her Mother’s shop to <span class="familycomment">make her Fortune.</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap2_4"> find a Husband? (Mother)
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & haggard, & when her Mother found a sizeable Fortune fallen between the slats of their Bed, Cassandra decided to
<span class="familycomment">travell to the New World.
</span> Unfortunately her ship sank, & she was marooned upon a deserted Isle.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap2_10"> with a chaperone? (Mother)
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & haggard, & while halfway up Mrs -----’s chimney, arguing with the Sweep, she was <span class="familycomment">drawn</span> skyward by a hooked Pole, &
<span class="familycomment">taken by Forces unknown to a Castle
</span> somewhere deep in the forests of <span class="familycomment">Ambrosiana
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="chap2_3"> Did you get this from Swift, or did you make it up yourself? (Father)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap2_8">gently Persuaded? (Mother)</div>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap2_15"> Now we're getting somewhere! [H]
WHEN Cassandra had attained her 16th year, she was $cassadjective & haggard, & chancing to fall in love with a particularly attracktive walnut left uneaten in Mrs. -----’s pantry, she placed it in her apron pocket & walked from the house to make her Fortune.
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3a_notes_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3a_opener" "activate">>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3a_notes_2" "activate">>
<<timed 5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "activate">>
<<timed 5.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "activate">>
<<timed 6s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "activate">>
<img id="chap_3a_background" src="img/CH03 A/CH3 A BG_blank_01.jpg" alt="">
<img class="chap_3a_notes_1" src="img/CH03 A/CH3 A BG_parts_01.png" alt="A sunset">
<img class="chap_3a_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_28 any ideas.png" alt="any ideas?">
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 2190>>
<div class="chap_3a_opener">
TRAPPED for some months, Cassandra came to misplace almost all of her Wits. One evening she fell deeply in love with the sunset...
<span class="threea">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "She Proposed Marriage?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_1_a">><</append>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="threea">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "She Wrote Him A Letter?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_1_b">><</append>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="threea">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "She Went Even Madder?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_1_c">><</append>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3b_notes_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3b_opener" "activate">>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3b_notes_2" "activate">>
<<timed 5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "activate">>
<<timed 5.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "activate">>
<<timed 6s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "activate">>
<img id="chap_3b_background" src="img/CH03 B Castle/CH3 B BG_blank_01.jpg" alt="">
<img class="chap_3b_notes_1" src="img/CH03 B Castle/CH3 B BG_parts_01.png" alt="A castle.">
<img class="chap_3b_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_28 any ideas.png" alt="any ideas?">
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<div class="chap_3b_opener">
CASSANDRA spent some months Imprisoned within the crumbling ruin until one night there appeared the Ghost of a knight, Sir ---; who promised to free her if she would Marry him. She...
<span class="threeb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Accepted The Proposal?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_2_a">><</append>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="threeb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Banished Him to Hell?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_2_b">><</append>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="threeb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "Ran Away?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_2_c">><</append>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3c_notes_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3c_opener" "activate">>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap_3c_notes_2" "activate">>
<<timed 5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "activate">>
<<timed 5.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "activate">>
<<timed 6s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "activate">>
<img id="chap_3c_background" src="img/CH03 C Love/CH3 C BG_blank_01.jpg" alt="">
<img class="chap_3c_notes_1" src="img/CH03 C Love/CH3 C BG_parts_01.png" alt="A love heart">
<img class="chap_3c_notes_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_28 any ideas.png" alt="any ideas?">
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<div class="chap_3c_opener">
THE first person she met, was the Viscount of ----, a young Man, no less celebrated for his Accomplishments & Virtues, than for his Elegance & Beauty. She...
<span class="threec">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Curtseyed?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_3_a">><</append>>
<<removeclass ".chap_3c_notes_2" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap_3c_notes_2" "deactivate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="threec">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Married Him?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_3_b">><</append>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<removeclass ".chap_3c_notes_2" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap_3c_notes_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="threec">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap3_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "Did Something Unspeakable?">>
<<append ".chapterthree">><<include "3_3_c">><</append>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f3" "activate">>
<<removeclass ".chap_3c_notes_2" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap_3c_notes_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap3_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<</nobr>><div class="chap3_result">
... & proposed Marriage. The wedding passed without Comment or Guests. Cassandra then set out swimming for England with her new Husband; yet as night fell he was Lost, & Cassandra left a widow.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 1a">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_excl" "activate">>
<img class="chap3c_excl" src="img/ELEMENTS/exlamation 03.png" alt="exclamation mark"/>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<div class="chap3_result">
… & wrote a letter introducing herself & her Prospects. Placing the note in a bottle on the Tide, she received no Reply. Thus she decided to return to England in the little Boat she kept for just such an Ocassion.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 1b">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<</timed>><div class="chap3_result">
… however, she was not to be Distracted by matters of the Heart. In order to return to England, she decided to become even more Deranged; hallucinating herself a well-built rowing boat, & setting out for London.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 1c">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_perfect" "activate">>
<img class="chap3c_perfect" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_15 perfect.png" alt="perfect" />
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<</timed>><div class="chap3_result">
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 730>>
… agreed, & returned with her new Husband to London. A month later the Marriage was ended; owing to the Knight’s backward Manners & Transparent Flaws.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 2a">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<</timed>><<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<div class="chap3_result">
… dismissed the presumptuous Gentle-man to the Hereafter, & escaped through one of the larger holes in the Castle walls. She returned to London without the least Adventure.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 2b">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_ruin" "activate">>
<img class="chap3c_ruin" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_03 well it is ruin.png" alt="well, it is a ruin" />
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<</timed>><<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<div class="chap3_result">
… fled, & lost the Persistent Gentle-man in the maze of Corridors. Discovering a secret Passage, she found that it deposited her on the shore of the Thames. Cassandra walked on.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 2c">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_passage" "activate">>
<img class="chap3c_passage" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_00 there is always.png" alt="there's always a secret passage"/>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<</timed>><div class="chap3_result">
… curtseyed & walked on.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 3a">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_proper" "activate">>
<img class="chap3c_proper" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_19 very proper.png" alt="very proper"/>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<</timed>><<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 7300>>
<div class="chap3_result">
… married the Viscount with great Resolve, & a year after they were blessed with a child. The Viscount, being so Virtuous as mentioned, volunteered to Perish in childbirth on Cassandra’s behalf.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 3b">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_time" "activate">>
<img class="chap3c_time" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_20 about time.png" alt="about time" />
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
<</timed>><<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<div class="chap3_result">
... did something so Repugnant, beyond all Sensibility or the Laws of Nature, that Passersby were taken Ill, & the Authorities called; Cassandra thus walked on.
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 3c">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_excellent" "activate">>
<img class="chap3c_excellent" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_05 excellent.png" alt="excellent" />
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap3_result" "activate">>
TRAPPED for some months, Cassandra came to misplace almost all of her Wits. One evening she fell deeply in love <span class="familycomment"> with the sunset</span> &
<span class="familycomment">
proposed Marriage</span>. The wedding passed without Comment or Guests. Cassandra then set out swimming for England with her new Husband; yet as night fell he was Lost, & Cassandra left a widow.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap3_20">
XXXXXXXXXXXX<br /><br /><br />(Mother)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive father_comment" id="chap3_5"> Marvellous! (Father)
TRAPPED for some months, Cassandra came to misplace almost all of her Wits. One evening she fell deeply in love with the sunset & wrote a letter <span class="familycomment">introducing herself & her Prospects
</span>. Placing the note in a bottle on the Tide, she received no Reply. Thus she decided to return to England in the little Boat she kept for just such an Ocassion.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap3_6"> QUITE PROPER (MORE OF THIS). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
<</nobr>><<nobr>>TRAPPED for some months, Cassandra came to misplace almost all of her Wits. One evening she fell deeply in love with the sunset; however, she was not to be Distracted by matters of the Heart. In order to return to England, she decided to become even more Deranged; hallucinating herself a well-built rowing boat, & setting out for London.<</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA spent some months Imprisoned within the crumbling ruin until one night there appeared the Ghost of a knight, Sir ---; who promised to free her if she would Marry him. She agreed, & returned with <span class="familycomment">her new Husband
</span> to London. A month later the Marriage was ended; owing to the Knight’s backward Manners & Transparent Flaws.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap3_10"> AMBIGUOUS (IS HE ELIGIBLE?). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA spent some months Imprisoned within the crumbling ruin until one night there appeared the Ghost of a knight, Sir ---; who promised to free her if she would Marry him. She dismissed the presumptuous Gentle-man <span class="familycomment">to the Hereafter
</span>, & escaped through one of the larger holes in the Castle walls. She returned to London without the least Adventure.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap3_13"> BLASPHEMOUS (REMOVE) YOUR BROTHER, JAMES.
<<nobr>>CASSANDRA spent some months Imprisoned within the crumbling ruin until one night there appeared the Ghost of a knight, Sir ---; who promised to free her if she would Marry him. She fled, & lost the Persistent Gentle-man in the maze of Corridors. Discovering <span class="familycomment">a Secret Passage</span>, she found that it deposited her on the shore of the Thames. Cassandra walked on.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive father_comment" id="chap3_21"> There has to be a secret passage! That’s my girl! (Father)
THE first person she met, was the
<span class="familycomment">Viscount of ----</span>, a young Man, no less celebrated for his Accomplishments & Virtues, than for his Elegance & Beauty. <span class="familycomment">She curtseyed & walked on.</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap3_2"> MARRY HIM (Mother)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap3_7"> Are you quite sure not based on me? Ravishing! Hope to see more of him [H]
THE first person she met, was the <span class="familycomment">Viscount of ----
</span>, a young Man, no less celebrated for his Accomplishments & Virtues, than for his Elegance & Beauty. She married the Viscount with great Resolve, & a year after they were blessed with a child. The Viscount, being so Virtuous as mentioned, <span class="familycomment">
volunteered to Perish</span> in childbirth on Cassandra’s behalf.
She walked on.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap3_8"> Are you quite sure not based on me? Ravishing! Hope to see more of him [H]
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap3_12"> No fair Jane! [H]
THE first person she met, was the <span class="familycomment">
Viscount of ----
</span>, a young Man, no less celebrated for his Accomplishments & Virtues, than for his Elegance & Beauty. She <span class="familycomment">did something so Repugnant</span>, beyond all Sensibility or the Laws of Nature, that Passersby were taken Ill, & the Authorities called; Cassandra thus walked on.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="chap3_11"> Love it. C.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap3_9"> Are you quite sure not based on me? Ravishing! Hope to see more of him [H]
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4a_background2" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4a_opener" "activate">>
<<timed 3s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4a_background3" "activate">>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "activate">>
<<timed 4.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "activate">>
<img id="chap_4a_background" src="img/CH04 A/CH4 A BG_blank_01.jpg" alt="" />
<img class="chap_4a_background2" src="img/CH04 A/CH4 A BG_parts_01.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap_4a_background3" src="img/CH01/CH01_BG_parts_02.png" alt="" />
<div class="chap_4a_opener">
UPON the high Sea, Cassandra became most Peckish, & after several Mealtimes Skipped, she resolved to eat...
<span class="foura">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Herself?">>Herself?
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="foura">
<div class="chap4_result">
… herself, beginning with her Fingers & ending at her toes. Thus feeling much refreshed she paddled herself into the Thames, stepping ashore at the Isle of Dogs.
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Eat Self">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_whynot" "activate">>
<img class="chap4_whynot" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_14 why not.png" alt="why not?" />
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<span class="foura">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Some Cakes?">>Some Cakes?
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="foura">
<div class="chap4_result">
… an Excellent array of Belgian dainties, which passed her Floating on a Silver Platter. Thus feeling much refreshed she paddled herself clean into the Thames, stepping ashore at the Isle of Dogs.
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Eat Cake">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 336>>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_perfect" "activate">>
<img class="chap4_perfect" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_15 perfect.png" alt="perfect" />
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "deactivate">>
UPON the high Sea, Cassandra became most Peckish, & after several Mealtimes Skipped, <span class="familycomment">she resolved to eat herself</span>, beginning with her Fingers & ending at her toes. Thus feeling much refreshed she paddled herself into the Thames, stepping ashore at the Isle of Dogs.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap4_6"> waited Patiently like a good young Lady? (Mother)
UPON the high Sea, Cassandra became most Peckish, & after several Mealtimes Skipped, she resolved to eat <span class="familycomment">an Excellent array of Belgian dainties
</span>, which passed her <span class="familycomment">Floating on a Silver Platter</span>. Thus feeling much refreshed she paddled herself clean into the Thames, stepping ashore at the Isle of Dogs.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive father_comment" id="chap4_1"> Why ever not?! (Father)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap4_5"> No eating out of doors Jane. (Mother)
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<img id="chap_4b_background" src="img/CH04 B/CH4 B BG_blank_01.jpg" alt="" />
<img class="chap_4b_background2" src="img/CH04 B/CH4 B BG_parts_01.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap_4b_background3" src="img/CH04 B/CH4 B BG_parts_02.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap_4b_undr_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double single.png" alt="underline"/>
<img class="chap_4b_undr_2" src="img/ELEMENTS/question marks.png" alt="question marks" />
<img class="chap_4b_undr_3" src="img/ELEMENTS/question mark large.png" alt="question marks" />
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_background2" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_opener_1" "activate">>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_opener_2" "activate">>
<<timed 5s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_undr_2" "activate">>
<<timed 5.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_undr_3" "activate">>
<<timed 7s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "activate">>
<<timed 7.3s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "activate">>
<<timed 7.6s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_3" "activate">>
<<timed 7.9s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_4" "activate">>
<div class="chap_4b_opener_1">
IN Belgravia Cassandra happened upon the wedding of Earl --- to Viscountess ---. The Reception was in some disarray since the Earl had died...</div>
<div class="chap_4b_opener_2">...the night before. Cassandra volunteered to help clear the Buffet.</div>
<div class="chap3c_excellent"><img src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_05 excellent.png" /></div>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "A Fall?">>
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chap4_result">
...falling from his horse...
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_undr_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_excellent" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_4" "deactivate">>
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Cycling">>
<<set $chap4death to "falling from his horse">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Something Beastly?">>
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chap4_result">
...in a remarkable incident at the Zoological Gardens...
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_undr_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_excellent" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_4" "deactivate">>
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Cycling">>
<<set $chap4death to "in a remarkable incident at the Zoological Gardens">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "Incineration?">>
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chap4_result">
...tripping over a mis-placed lapdog & into a Fireplace...
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_undr_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_excellent" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_4" "deactivate">>
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Cycling">>
<<set $chap4death to "tripping over a mis-placed lapdog & into a Fireplace">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_4">
<<linkreplace "Suffocation?">>
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="fourb">
<div class="chap4_result">
...suffocated by an ill-advised but Fashionably tight Waistcoat...
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4b_undr_1" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap3c_excellent" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Cycling">>
<<set $chap4death to "suffocated by an ill-advised but Fashionably tight Waistcoat">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4c_background2" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4c_opener" "activate">>
<<timed 4s>>
<<addclass ".chap_4c_notes_1" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap_4c_background3" "activate">>
<<timed 5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "activate">>
<<timed 5.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "activate">>
<<timed 6s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_3" "activate">>
<img id="chap_4c_background" src="img/CH04 C/CH4 C BG_blank_01.jpg" alt="" />
<img class="chap_4c_background2" src="img/CH04 C/CH4 C BG_parts_01.png" alt="" />
<img class="chap_4c_notes_1" src="img/ELEMENTS/Circle 04.png" alt="circle" />
<img class="chap_4c_background3" src="img/Jane Comment_07 Crisis.png" alt="" />
<div class="chap_4c_opener">
SHE then proceeded to the Pastry-cook’s where she devoured six ices, but had no means to pay…
<span class="fourc">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Knock Him Down?">>
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="fourc">
<div class="chap4_result">
She refused to pay for them, knocked down the Pastry Cook & walked away.
<img class="chap4_explode" src="img/CH04 C/CH4 C BG_jane_03.png" />
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Knock Down">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_explode" "activate" >>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="fourc">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Curtsey?">>
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<span class="fourc">
<div class="chap4_result">
She curtseyed & the Pastry Cook, overcome with Sensation, gifted her all six ices & a warm Raspberry Tart as well.
<img class="chap4_heart" src="img/CH04 C/CH4 C BG_jane_04.png" alt="love heart" />
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Curtsey">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_heart" "activate">>
<<timed 0.2s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="fourc">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap4_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "Work Off The Debt?">>Work Off The Debt?
<<append ".chapterfour">>
<img class="chap4_cross" src="img/ELEMENTS/underline double.png" alt="crossed through" />
<span class="fourc">
<div class="chap4_result">
In that Moment the Pastry Cook was struck by a Dream of travelling to the Indies. He shut the door, kissed his tearful Wife & left on the next Boat - Cassandra did then walk away.
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Travel">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_cross" "activate" >>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_dull" "activate">>
<img class="chap4_dull" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_08 no dull dull.png" alt="no, dull dull dull!" />
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap4_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f4" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap4_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>>IN Belgravia Cassandra happened upon the wedding of Earl --- to Viscountess ---. The Reception was in some disarray since the Earl had died, <span class="familycomment">$chap4death</span> the night before. Cassandra volunteered to help clear the Buffet.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap4_2"> The men don’t do so well out of this, do they? [H]
<<nobr>>SHE then proceeded to the Pastry-cook’s where she devoured six ices, but had no means to pay. She refused to pay for them, <span class="familycomment">knocked down the Pastry Cook</span> & walked away.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap4_3"> ILLEGAL (REMOVE). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
<<nobr>>SHE then proceeded to the Pastry-cook’s where she devoured six ices, but had no means to pay. <span class="familycomment">She curtseyed</span> & the Pastry Cook, overcome with Sensation, gifted her all six ices & a warm Raspberry Tart as well.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap4_4"> VERY GOOD. YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>SHE then proceeded to the Pastry-cook’s where she devoured six ices, but had no means to pay. In that Moment the Pastry Cook was struck by a Dream of travelling to the Indies. He shut the door, kissed his tearful Wife & left on the next Boat - Cassandra did then walk away.<</nobr>><<nobr>>SHE next ascended a Hackney Coach & ordered it to the Royal Opera in Covent Garden. Twelve years in Training passed, & her opening Night was a great success, <span class="familycomment">despite her Drunkenness</span>. The morning after, she ordered the Coachman to turn round & drive her back again.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap5_3"> XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
<br />
<br />
<<nobr>>SHE next ascended a Hackney Coach & ordered it to the home of Miss ---, her sworn foe, that she might <span class="familycomment">finally declare War</span>. The reason for the conflict for Minor, but it lasted several years, with many Wounded on both sides. Declaring victory, Cassandra ordered the Coachman to turn round & drive her back again.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="chap5_1"> That’s more like it. C.
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>SHE next ascended a Hackney Coach & <span class="familycomment">ordered it to Hampstead
</span>, where she was no sooner arrived than she ordered the Coachman to turn round & drive her back again.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap5_2"> When is something exciting going to happen?! [H]
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>><span class="familycomment">BEING returned to the same spot of the same Street she had set out from, the Coachman demanded his Pay.</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap6_1"> Not exactly Henry Fielding is it? [H]
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find. The man grew peremptory. She met him at dawn in Hyde Park, & though <span class="familycomment">sustaining a glancing Wound</span> to her left Shoulder, did satisfy her Honour.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap7_1"> UNGENTLEMANLY (REMOVE). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find. The man grew peremptory. In that moment an errand boy Appeared, with the news that Cassandra had received a Tidy Sum from a forgettable Aunt. The Coachman was thus paid handsomely.<</nobr>><<nobr>>SHE searched her pockets over again & again; but every search was unsuccessful. No money could she find. The man grew peremptory.
<<if $chosenobject is "walnut">>
She flicked the walnut into the Coachman’s favourite Eye & ran away.
<<elseif $chosenobject is "bonnet">>
She placed her bonnet on his head & ran away.
<<elseif $chosenobject is "paperweight">>
She caused him some Discomfort with her father’s Paperweight & ran away.
She applied her Shoe most Persuasively to his left Shin & ran Away.
<</if>><</nobr>><<nobr>>THRO’ many a street she then proceeded & met in none the least Adventure, till <span class="familycomment">$chap8_event</span>, she met Maria.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="chap8_1"> I hate you. C.
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA started & Maria seemed surprised; they trembled, blushed, turned pale & <span class="familycomment">passed each other in mutual silence.</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive father_comment" id="chap9_1"> Very good! Take that Richardson! (Father)
</div><</nobr>>CASSANDRA invited Maria to swim <span class="familycomment">in the fountain at Broad Street</span>; though being feeble-armed, the girl sadly Drowned. Despite the best Efforts of passersby her Remains were never recovered.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap9_2"> XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
<br /><br />(Mother)
</div><<nobr>>Maria was at that moment going to a Function at the apartments of the Baronet --- in Mayfair, & invited Cassandra <span class="familycomment">as her companion.</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap9_3"> Where's the chaperone? (Mother)
<</nobr>><<nobr>>A QUARTER of a mile brought
<<if $mariafate is "ball">>them<<else>>her<</if>>
to her
<<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>paternal<<else>>maternal<</if>>
in <<if $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 1">>Bond Street<<elseif $chap_1_final is "Chapter 1 Choice 2">>St. James Park<<else>>Whitechapel<</if>>, from which she had now been absent nearly $hoursfinalfinal.
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4.5s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<span class="tena">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Curtsey?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<div class="chap10_result">
Cassandra curtseyed & went on.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 1a">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10a_thatlldo" "activate">>
<img class="chap10a_thatlldo" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_32 that will do.png" alt="that'll do!" />
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="tena">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Rob Her Blind?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<div class="chap10_result">
The Widow’s Head being quite stuck in the window, Cassandra came upstairs, & had her Purse, two good candlesticks & a Painting of a fat yet valuable Horse.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 1b">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10a_morelikeit" "activate">>
<img class="chap10a_morelikeit" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_33 tahts more like it.png" alt="that's more like it"/>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="tena">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "Have A Pleasant Chat?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 2>>
<div class="chap10_result">
Cassandra thus started a charming & private Conversation, in love & freindship; & within which the name of no Gentle-man were eer mentioned.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 1c">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10a_yes" "activate">>
<img class="chap10a_yes" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_34 yesy yes yes.png" alt="yes yes yes"/>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<timed 5s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 5.5s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 6s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<span class="tenb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Curtsey?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 2>>
<div class="chap10_result">
… but when she curtseyed, & the Judge (a man of Decorum) bowed in return, his Wig hurtled to the Floor. In the Chaos ensuing Cassandra made good her escape by Window.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 2a">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10b_that" "activate">>
<img class="chap10b_that" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_32 that will do.png" alt="that will do" />
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="tenb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Plead Her Case?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 12>>
<div class="chap10_result">
… but Cassandra pled her Innocence through Reason & Logick. The Judge was unmoved, being a man of Sensibility; & weeping freely he passed the sentence. Cassandra was hung the next Convenient dawn.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 2b">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10b_that" "activate">>
<img class="chap10b_that" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_32 that will do.png" alt="that will do" />
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="tenb">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "A 'Circumstance'?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<div class="chap10_result">
… but owing to a startling Circumstance, Cassandra was freed immediately.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 2c">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10b_that" "activate">>
<img class="chap10b_that" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_32 that will do.png" alt="that will do" />
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<timed 4s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 4.5s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "activate">><</timed>>
<<timed 5s>><<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "activate">><</timed>>
<span class="tenc">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_1">
<<linkreplace "Split Him Equally?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<div class="chap10_result">
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 2>>
… they split the suitor between them; half a decent Husband being better fare than none at all. Cassandra, being the more Courteous, elected to take the bottom half home to her Mother.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 3a">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10c_greatidea" "activate">>
<img class="chap10c_greatidea" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_38 great idea.png" alt="great idea" />
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10c_theydo" "deactivate">>
<<removeclass ".chap10c_theydo" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="tenc">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_2">
<<linkreplace "Settle It In Dance?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 1>>
<div class="chap10_result">
… they competed upon the dancing-floor. During an acrobatic Quadrille, $girlname came to fall upon her Neck. Cassandra thus claimed the spoil of Victory & took Squire --- home to her Mother.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 3b">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10c_yes" "activate">>
<img class="chap10c_yes" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_39 yes.png" alt="yes" />
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10c_theydo" "deactivate">>
<<removeclass ".chap10c_theydo" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_3" "deactivate">>
<span class="tenc">
<div class="chooseoption1 chap10_choice_3">
<<linkreplace "Try To Attract His Attentions?">>
<<append ".chapterten">>
<<set $hoursaway to $hoursaway + 96>>
<div class="chap10_result">
… they tried to Atract the Squires Attention by each Fainting upon a chair. Both women were matched, & the competition continued for some Days. When $girlname did Expire of Hunger, Cassandra claimed the spoil of Victory; & took Squire --- home to her Mother.
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 3c">>
<<timed 0.5s>>
<<addclass ".chap10_result" "activate">>
<<timed 1s>>
<<addclass ".chap10c_gocass" "activate">>
<img class="chap10c_gocass" src="img/ELEMENTS/Better Handwriting/Jane Comment_40 go Cassandra.png" alt="go cassandra!" />
<<timed 2s>>
<<addclass "#f10" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10c_theydo" "deactivate">>
<<removeclass ".chap10c_theydo" "activate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_1" "deactivate">>
<<addclass ".chap10_choice_2" "deactivate">>
<</nobr>><<nobr>>SHE entered it & was pressed to her Mother’s bosom by that worthy Woman. Cassandra smiled & whispered to herself “This is a <span class="familycomment">day well spent</span>.”
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap12_1"> NO MORAL? YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
<<nobr>>SHE entered it & <span class="familycomment">$storyending</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap12_2"> That’s more like it! [H]
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive father_comment" id="chap12_3"> A tale in a style entirely New! I’ve never read anything quite like it! (Father)
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap12_4"> ADEQUATE. YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive cass_comment" id="chap12_5"> Can I draw some pictures for this? C.
<<nobr>>CASSANDRA was next accosted by her friend the Widow, who squeezing out her little Head thro’ her less window, asked her how she did? Cassandra curtseyed & went on.<</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA was next accosted by her friend the Widow, who squeezing out her little Head thro’ her less window, asked her how she did? The Widow’s Head being quite stuck in the window, Cassandra came upstairs, &
<span class="familycomment">had her Purse</span>, two good candlesticks & a Painting of a fat yet valuable Horse.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap10_1"> Shakespeare is turning in his grave! [H]
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA was next accosted by her friend the Widow, who squeezing out her little Head thro’ her less window, asked her how she did? Cassandra thus started a charming & private Conversation, in love & freindship; & within which the <span class="familycomment">name of no Gentle-man were eer mentioned.</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap10_2"> What do they talk about then? [H]
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA was taken by soldiers to the gaol at Newgate, accused of Maria’s death by negligence. The judge saw fit to sentence an execution, but when she curtseyed, & the Judge (a man of Decorum) bowed in return, his Wig hurtled to the Floor. In the Chaos ensuing Cassandra made good her escape by Window.<</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA was taken by soldiers to the gaol at Newgate, accused of Maria’s death by negligence. The judge saw fit to sentence an execution, but Cassandra pled her Innocence through Reason & Logick. The Judge was unmoved, being a man of Sensibility; & weeping freely he passed the sentence. <span class="familycomment">Cassandra was hung the next convenient dawn.</span>
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive father_comment" id="chap10_11"> Absurd! Wonderful! (Father)
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA was taken by soldiers to the gaol at Newgate, accused of Maria’s death by negligence. The judge saw fit to sentence an execution, but owing to <span class="familycomment">a startling Circumstance</span>, Cassandra was freed immediately.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive james_comment" id="chap10_3"> EXPAND (EXPLAIN EVERYTHING). YOUR BROTHER, JAMES
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA & Maria, in surveying the suitors at the Baronet’s party, found themselves intrigued by the same Gentle-man, a Squire ---. To settle the matter <span class="familycomment">they split the suitor between them</span>; half a decent Husband being better fare than none at all. Cassandra, being the more Courteous, elected to take the bottom half home to her Mother.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive henry_comment" id="chap10_10"> Leave the poor man alone! [H]
<<nobr>>CASSANDRA & Maria, in surveying the suitors at the Baronet’s party, found themselves intrigued by the same Gentle-man, a Squire ---. To settle the matter they competed upon the dancing-floor. During an acrobatic Quadrille, Maria
<span class="familycomment">came to fall upon her Neck
</span>. Cassandra thus claimed the spoil of Victory & took Squire --- home to her Mother.
<div class="familycommentend fce_inactive mum_comment" id="chap10_12"> Tragic! I shall write a sonnet to poor $girlname's memory! (Mother)
</div><</nobr>><<nobr>>CASSANDRA & Maria, in surveying the suitors at the Baronet’s party, found themselves intrigued by the same Gentle-man, a Squire ---. To settle the matter they tried to Atract the Squires Attention by each Fainting upon a chair. Both women were matched, & the competition continued for some Days. When Maria did Expire of Hunger, Cassandra claimed the spoil of Victory; & took Squire --- home to her Mother.<</nobr>><<include "Set Story Variables Test">>
[[Go->End Page]] <<set $cassadjective to "Hideous">>
<<set $visitedjanepage to false>>
<<set $hoursaway to 7>>
<<set $hoursfinalfinal to $hoursaway + " days">>
<<set $chosenobject to "walnut">>
<<set $girlname to "Clemence">>
<<set $chap8Clicked to true>>
<<set $adventure to "marooned">>
<<set $storyending to "they all lived happily ever after.">>
<<set $chap4cyclingResult to "test">>
<<set $storytitle to "The Hideous Cassandra">>
<<set $chap_1_final to "Chapter 1 Choice 3">>
<<set $chap_2_final to "Chapter 2 Choice 2b_hat">>
<<set $chap_3_final to "Chapter 3 Choice 3c">>
<<set $chap_4_final to "Chapter 4 Cycling">>
<<set $chap_5_final to "Chapter 5 Hampstead">>
<<set $chap_6_final to "Chapter 6 End">>
<<set $chap_7_final to "Chapter 7 C">>
<<set $chap_8_final to "Chapter 8 End">>
<<set $chap_9_final to "Chapter 9 Ball">>
<<set $chap_10_final to "Chapter 10 3b">>
<<set $chap_11_final to "Chapter 11 End">>
<<set $chap_12_final to "Chapter 12 Jane Write">><<nobr>>
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