1 Jan — 31 Dec 2021

Throughout 2021, we are inviting a series of young writers and artists to join us for a digital residency, during which they will create new works inspired by Jane Austen’s works, as well as her home, life and legacy. We’ll share them here, each month. Check back throughout the year to see what they create!

Our current Creatives in Residence are artist and historian Ella Hawkins and poet Fathima Zahra, who join us for a three month digital residency from October – December.

To view all of the works created by our Creatives in Residence throughout the year, visit out Creatives in Residence Hub.

Two oval biscuits with Jane Austen's portrait painted on them in icing. ©Ella Hawkins

Jane Austen biscuit portraits by Ella Hawkins, Artist in Residence October – December

Illustration by Léna Gibert, Artist in Residence January – March