Teenage Writings

Jane Austen's Teenage Writings are short, funny, a bit wild and madly inventive. Read, learn and play with our new online resources, including an interactive writing game and six short films, inspired by Jane Austen as you've never seen her before...

Introduction to the Teenage Writings

Get started! Professor Kathryn Sutherland introduces the Teenage Writings

Read a story

Five of Jane Austenā€™s teenage stories and sketches for you to enjoy

Theatrical shorts ā€“ six new films inspired by Jane Austenā€™s Teenage Writings

We commissioned Palma Studio to create some new works, inspired by Jane Austenā€™s funny, subversive and madly inventive teenage writings. They worked with a group of young actors to devise six short, theatrical films which respond to the themes, characters and plots that Jane Austen created nearly 250 years ago.

The _____ Cassandra

An interactive writing game

Imagine this: itā€™s 1789 and youā€™re visiting your friend Jane Austen. You are two bored teenagers, her older sister and brothers are away, and itā€™s rainingā€¦ Options for real adventure are limited, so you decide to write a story together (bonus: it will annoy Janeā€™s sister Cassandra). Whatā€™s it about? Ghosts, kidnappings, dance-offs? You get to decide in this creative writing game inspired by ā€˜The Beautifull Cassandraā€™, Janeā€™s cheeky mini-novel in 12 parts.

Designed by Palma Studio with Bonfire Dog

Tales in A Style Entirely New

Read all about it! Kathryn Johnson and Zsolt Balogh, of Palma Studio, reflect on how they went about creating some wild and startling new works in response to Jane Austenā€™s Teenage Writings.

These learning resources were generously funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund